The 2rd (2017) International Workshop on Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Climate Effects浏览数:374次
The 2rd (2017) International Workshop on Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Climate Effects (Second Round Notice, May 22th, 2017) Organized by: ØLaboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration/中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 ØKey Laboratory for Aerosol and Cloud Precipation, China Meteorological Administration/中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室 ØJiangsu Institute of Meteorology Atmospheric Physics and Artificial Weather/江苏省气象学会大气物理与人工影响天气委员会 ØJoint Laboratory of Solar Radiation Monitoring/太阳辐射监测联合实验室 ØBeijing Top Flag Technology Co., Ltd/北京旗云创科科技有限责任公司 ØNanjing University of Information Science & Technology/南京信息工程大学 Introduction: Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Climate Effects is one of the most import topics for atmospheric and environmental research. The research is one of the key factors to understand the mechanism of climatology and improve the forecast skills. But Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation interactions are considered as one of the largest uncertainties in the estimate of climate forcing by human activities. This workshop seeks study reporting progress in understanding the change of cloud radiative properties and radiative effects as a result of aerosol impact on cloud microphysics and lifetime, change of aerosol radiative effects by surrounding clouds, and novel measurement and modeling techniques to quantify the impacts of aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions on radiation. Warmly welcome experts, scholars and students attend the meeting! Both presentations and posters are welcome! Topics: 1. Aerosol-cloud-radiation mechanisms in climate model and the application 2. Direct and indirect effects of pollutants on weather and climate 3. The interactions between pollutants and Asian monsoon system 4. Pollutants-radiation-cloud interactions and the effects/feedbacks to climate and environment 5. Cloud precipitation physics and artificial weather 6. Atmospheric boundary layer, atmospheric chemistry and climate change 7. Radar/Lidar, satellite remote sensing and atmospheric detection technologies 8. Lightning Science and Technology Location and Dates:
ØAbstract Submission Deadline: May 30th, 2017 Presentation and Poster: ØInvited Presentation: 15 minutes ØPresentation: 10 minutes ØPoster: 120cm*80cm Abstract Format: 1. The abstract format should in MS-Office word format and less than 800 words. It could insert 1-2 figures. 2. Authors are encouraged to submit the full texts to us. It will have good chance to be published in the special issue of “Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Climate Effects” in the Journal of Meteorological Research or Act Meteorologyica Sinica. Remarks: 1. If you need the invitation letter for Visa application or hotel booking, please feel free to contact us. 2. There are no fees for attendances, but attends need to burden the hotel and living cost by self. Contact: Kai Yan, +86-25-58699771, yankai@nuist.edu.cn Attachment: Return Form Format of Abstract |